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15 books

1. The Pathless Path.

This book is great for you if you’re unsure of what you want to do in life.

2. Someday is Today.

This book is great for you if you have dreams of starting your own business or a new venture but you’ve been waiting for the right time.

3. Beyond Wealth.

This book is great because the author Alexander Green has worked with a lot of wealthy people & found that money itself doesn’t make you happy.

4. The 3 Alarms.

3 pieces of advice I loved:

  1. 1. The 3 alarms method, which helps remind you of the identity you want to have
  2. 2. The ideal week, which I’ve been using for the last few months
  3. 3. The weekly review, where you review how your week went at the end of each week

5. The Art and Business of Online Writing.

The author Nicholas Cole talks about how he went from playing World of Warcraft to finding online writing, which has made him super successful.

A lot of cool tips for writing online here.

6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

This is the best self-help/ productivity book I’ve ever read.

Not the basic advice/information I thought it was going to be.

7. Scorecard Marketing.

This book is only useful if you want to start a business or are currently running one.

It’s taught me a lot about marketing & more importantly, the scorecard method, which I’ve started using in my business.

8. What We Owe The Future.

Someone described this book as a textbook for philosophy mixed with a pamphlet for activism & I completely agree with that statement.

9. The Go Giver.

This book is a business fable & teaches you how to be more giving in life rather than transactional.

10. The Luck Factor.

This book follows people who consider themselves lucky & people who consider themselves unlucky.

It covers four main things lucky people do that unlucky people don’t.

11. The Way of The Superior Man.

Another YouTuber recommended me this one.

It’s a little controversial but an interesting read.

I think anyone who reads it would find it interesting regardless of their views.

12. $100m Offers.

This is a required read if you’re starting a business or already running one.

10 people recommended me this book & it did not disappoint.

We use all of the information for our business now.

13. Sapiens.

This book is a brief look at the history of humankind.

I started reading it because I wanted to get more into history & I quickly understood why everyone was talking about it.

14. The Surrender Experiment.

This book follows the journey of a guy who decided at 21 he would surrender to the experiment of life & get heavily into spirituality/ yoga.

He ended up becoming the CEO of a $1 billion medical company through his journey.

15. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.

This book was recommended to me by Grace Beverley.

It follows the journey of Evelyn Hugo, who was an actress in the 1940s & talks about all of the things she had to deal with in Hollywood as a woman.

Bonus books. The Stormlight Archive.

These are my favourite fiction books next to Harry Potter.

The author does a great job of building the universe in these books.

Definitely check it out if you’re into books like Harry Potter & other fiction series